About Hasko

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So far Hasko has created 34 blog entries.

The new album of the Fauré Quartett

In June, the quartet retreated back into the studio to record a new record. Final details are still being polished, and the release is planned for the fall. What will [...]

2023-07-09T23:06:14+02:001. July 2023|

The quartet worldwide

Although the Fauré Quartet was already a repeat guest in the United States in the spring, there will be another tour there this fall. But Asia is also on the [...]

2023-07-09T22:55:55+02:0020. March 2023|

Merry Christmas

Now the year is coming to it's end. The quartet was again able to perform on several continents, and for the new year you will be able to hear the [...]

2022-12-19T12:40:23+02:0019. December 2022|

Guest at the Kissinger Summer

With German-Austrian-Hungarian sounds, the quartet will enrich this year's Kissinger Sommer, a classical music festival in the heart of Germany that focuses on cultural and historical cross-connections. The concert is [...]

2022-06-09T23:25:25+02:0020. May 2022|
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